Term of use of Agribalyse data

When and how can I use Agribalyse data ? How can I communicate about my environmental results ?

Agribalyse data results from more than 10 years of research and expertise. They aim at reprensenting in the most accurate way possible the impacts of agriculture and food products. We follow an evolutive approach, with continuous improvement. It is therefore of paramount importance to well understand the scope, stenght and limitations of this data to ensure a suitable use. Users are higly recommanded to use the documentation provided along the data.

Using Agribalyse outside of France

Also this data is built at first for french situation and food market. We believe they are suitable as « first approach proxy » for European country. Thanks to there robust and transparent modeling framework it is possible to adjust them (imports, logistics, energy mix...), to reflect different conditions. The data are not suitable as such for « southern countries ». Overall Agribalyse develeoppers identify a need for more data and other national databases. In future, our team is happy to share its experience, consider support and collaborations. Please note that the use of Agribalyse "desagregated data" outside of France requires an ecoinvent licence.

User Guide

Agribalyse data is complex and comes with uncertainties, it must be considered for appropriate use. Avoid traps and read our documentation ( a specific user guide is available but only in French so far)

International standards about environmental communication

Environmental communication and data from Life Cycle Assessments are framed by ISO 14020/14040 standards. On the communication component, these standards focus on the main principles: information must be relevant, accurate, verifiable. Communication methods are also distinguished: official labels, self-declaration and eco-profiles. Comparing competing products notably requires specific elements: external critical reviews, reports in accessible "standardized" formats, etc.

All stakeholders wishing to implement environmental communication based on AGRIBALYSE and / or additional data have to refer to the good practices presented in these standards.

Last updated